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be part of our growing community
Do you have a dream of being a kitchen-entrepreneur?
Aarhus Street Food is always open for new applicants and we invite foodies, trained chefs, entrepreneurs, partnering up friends, man and wife businesses and others with experience from the industry, to apply for a kitchen stall at our market. So if you’re a true foodie, and can see yourself be part of our foodies-community keep on reading and mail us your application.
About Aarhus Street Food
Aarhus Street Food was founded in august 2016. The people of Aarhus welcomed Aarhus Street Food more than anyone could imagine. Actually they welcomed it so much that each citizen in Aarhus visits the market 4,9 times per year which equals more than 1,3 million dining guests per year. That makes Aarhus Street Food the most successful food market in Denmark.
Non-profit rental
The vision for Aarhus Street Food is to create an entrepreneurial foodie-community, where foodies can establish and run their own kitchens for a very low cost. All rental and running costs are shared between all stallholders, which creates a below market and non-profit rental community. As a tenant at Aarhus Street Food, you rent 15 m2 of floor space as well as your space in the community - the container including kitchen you must bring to the market. If you have questions about this, please write us at

We have an overall vision for Aarhus Street Food which is to create not just a good food market, but a GREAT food market, why stallholders must live up to our core values to be considered for a stall in the Garage.
It is essential that the kitchen uses fresh ingredients and makes the food from scratch. We see quality as home-made food prepared on the spot of fresh ingredients and the absence of unnecessary semi-finished products.
Aarhus Street Food emphasizes the authentic and original expression and design of the individual kitchen – and that the kitchen allows guests to see and smell the food being made.
All kitchens must sell one or more filling dishes to 75 DKK, more expensive dishes can be served to. A side-order such as french fries or the like, is not considered a full meal. We expect a fair pricing that reflects the below market rental costs in the Garage.
Aarhus Street Food is an original market with a wide variety of offerings – therefore, emphasis is placed on the originality of the kitchen, so that it differs from existing kitchens.
Wanna be part of our foodie-community?
Can you see yourself be a part of our foodie-community and do you have that unique concept Aarhus Street Food needs to maintain and expand our leading position in Denmark?